Rants to get discussion started

August 27, 2006

Pluto not a planet? BS

Filed under: Science,Technology — aapriori @ 11:39 pm

In yet another self important move the “astroscientists” have declared Pluto is no
longer a planet. From my understanding our solar system is defined by planets. We
found Pluto because the orbits didn’t match the calculations without it. So for the
system to work Pluto has to be part of it. Removing Pluto as a planet breaks our
solar system; unless of course these arrogant SOBs are going to redefine the solar
system as well. Which brings me to the real motivation behind this rant.

Why are the strongest minds wasting their time on such a trivial issue? And what
are we supposed to do with the documentaries, text books, and previously installed
knowledge that indicates Pluto is a planet and an itegral part of our solar system.

Besides, Pluto is just cool. It deserves to be a planet.



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