Rants to get discussion started

November 18, 2006

UCLA Tazer, A Letter to Chancellor Abrams

Filed under: Racism,Scams,UCLA Tazer Cops — aapriori @ 4:48 pm

Below is the letter I have composed and am sending to UCLA Chancellor Abrams in regards to the recent attack by thugs in uniform posing as UCLA Police. I am requesting you either write your own letter or copy the one below and sign your name to it, and send it to Chancellor Abrams as soon as possible:

UCLA, Norman Abrams
4101 Law Bldg
Los Angeles, CA 90095

To UCLA Chancellor Norman Abrams:

I just reviewed a video depicting a UCLA Police squad abusing a suspect by using tazer weaponry in an unwarranted and downright violent manner. An independent investigation is not enough. You need to put your personal influence, and the influence of UCLA into the prosecution of these villains. Even if the first tazer attack was used in accordance to policy, all subsequent tazer attacks, which were caught on video, were a clear violation of human and civil rights. There were more than 4 officers, all substantial in size, who could have very easily extricated the man with one officer each arm and one officer on each leg, without the use of weaponry.

As a citizen of California, and the United States, whose tax money pays your salary, and as a defender of the Constitution, I demand you use your substantial influence to pursue the conviction and imprisonment of each and every one of these officers for felony assault and battery with special circumstances under hate crime statutes. I also demand you assist in every way possible any civil action brought against the men in uniform who so blatantly abused their power.


UCLA Tazer Cops, They Must Go Down

Filed under: Racism,Scams — aapriori @ 4:19 pm

I just finished watching the video of UCLA Cops Tazering someone. I am so angry and upset I am literally on the verge of vomiting. My chest is tight, my stomach is in my throat, and my whole body is quivering. I can barely sit here writing this.

Beyond the obvious anger directed at those pricks with the tazer, I am also angry that the students witnessing the event didn’t do something after the second tazer. Those fucking cops should have been slammed to the ground and put under citizen arrest using their own hand cuffs. I almost punched my monitor when that fucking nazi had his face clear on the screen near the end of the video.

I am writing a letter to the chancelor of UCLA. In it I am demading the entire weight of UCLA be put behind the firing, arrest, and imprisonment of those dick head cops. Further I am demanding that UCLA assist in the civil litigation against the bastards for $10s of millions. I am requesting you do the same.

The abuse of power displayed by those shitty fuckers deserves nothing less than a life of rotting in a dirty cell.


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