Rants to get discussion started

May 2, 2007

Lisa Schiffren Should Be Strung By Her Nostrils

Filed under: Politics,President Bush — aapriori @ 3:09 am

I just finished watching a Bill Maher in which this horrible woman was a panel member. First I want to say shame on Bill for allowing this woman a platform to speak. She is a Bush lackey and an idiot who should not be encouraged, and should not be endorsed as a legitimate voice in the media.

She’s a Bush lackey because she perpetuates the lie that the firing of the U.S. Attorneys was a standard occurrence. Never in the history of our government have so many been fired mid-term like this. Does this make her an idiot? No. But here’s what does.

David Iglesias had just finished saying 3 things:

1. The Attorney General had falsely claimed all the firings, including his, were performance based, and he did it under oath, when the facts have shown this not to be the case.

2. He had been asked to break the law and wouldn’t, and that is why he was fired.

3. Had he been simply released, without allegations of poor performance, he would have walked away without a peep.

So David Iglesias acknowledged the position was political and the administration had the right to fire him at will, but not to ask him to break the law, and not to do it using false and personally damaging allegations.

What was Lisa Schiffren’s response? She repeated her stance that it was a political appointment and subject to firing at will by the administration. That is what makes her an idiot.

We need to stay focused on the problem these firings represent. It is not the firings in and of themselves because I think we can all agree that the administration had the right to do so. What we need to do is remember that Bush did not have the balls to stand on that right. We have to remember that Bush, directly or indirectly, was seeking to have the law broken and to have people act against their integrity and that when he didn’t get away with it he threw a temper tantrum and tried to push the blame elsewhere.

I agree with Richard Belzer, who was also on the show. David Iglesias is a hero for standing up for America instead of his job and a tyrannical administration. Bravo David.


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