Rants to get discussion started

September 6, 2006

Firefox, Only 35-38 to Go

Filed under: Internet,Music,Technology — aapriori @ 3:48 pm

Don’t Reward Microsoft for a Long History of bad browsing
experience. Avoid IE 7 and download Firefox instead

We only have 38% or less to go to meet the 50% market share by
January 1, 2007. Microsoft IE has a long history of reducing your
user experience to promote their proprietary technologies. The
support for CSS2, the agreed defacto for presentation on the web,
has been BAD. Internet Explorer 7 is not looking all that much better.
Besides, why reward a company for consistently procuding mediocre
or worse products that limit the postential of your user experience?
And if you are a web developer you know the extra time and money
(I HAD to buy Windoze P[iece of ]C[rap] just to preview all the
bad mistakes IE makes with good CSS) you have to spend just to
make good code bad so it will work in IE.

Firefox represents the true nature and potential of your web browsing
experience. It is fast, CSS2 compliant, has a lot of really neat built in
browsing features that IE is just starting to implement, is open source,
and is extendable (there are a ton of really great plug-ins).

So do yourself a favor, do the web a favor, and start usign Firefox.
If you don’t have it go download it: Firefox Browser

I get nothing by you clicking that link except the satisfaction of knowing
I am doing my part to improve the user exerience of the web browsing
public at large.



August 16, 2006

American Idol – Underground – A Rant for My X

Filed under: Friends,Music — aapriori @ 8:00 pm

Hi All,

I just got an email from my X-girlfriend, from high school. She’s a cool
girl (well woman now) and I feel bad I’ve lost touch. Anyway, it seems
her band, Jan Losey, has risen to number 19 in the American Idol
Undreground rating system. It’s a really good song. Check it out at:

Jana Losey – Pop – Number 19

and, like the link says, look around number 19 in the Pop category.
Jana Losey is the artist and Bittersweet is the song. If you like it,
like I did, give it a vote. She’s been working at this a long time, she’s
talented, and deserves recognition.

Go get em Melanie.

A friend from 21 years ago or so.



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