Rants to get discussion started

October 4, 2006

Let’s Clean the House

Filed under: Conservative Agenda,Economics,Politics,President Bush — aapriori @ 6:33 pm

It’s time we made a stand for ourselves. The only way this can
be done is to break the chain of corruption in DC built by self
serving, power hungry, profit mongering scoundrels. The only
way to this is voting everyone out. The problems we face are
caused, in a large part, by the committees on the hill. These
committees are run by the old guard who are in turn run by the
lobbyists of powerful corporations. I realize an entire government
of freshmen congress and senate members would cause a certain
amount of chaos and inefficiency. I think we should be willing to
accept this considering both the ultimate outcome of the continued
course and the incredible power we, as a nation of individuals,
would gain in the long term. It would send a clear message that we
stand in absolute disgust with the current state of our leadership
(or lack therof) and that we are willing to do something about it,
now, and in the future.

Compared to what lies ahead, the turmoil of this move will be but
a flesh wound. Let’s dodge the bullet of arrogance, deception, power
mongering and greed seeking to blow our brains against the wall.
Let’s accept the fall of those who might be innocent bystanders on
The Hill in order to foster creativity and balance. Creativity and
balance are the natural outcome when problems are faced by people
on the same level playing field.

Level the playing field, vote for creativity and balance, vote for
yourselves, vote everyone in office out.



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